Friday, February 5, 2010

Skoll Well There Is A Boy I Like And We R Out Of Skoll 4 Another Week But I Can Get Him Of My Mind When We Go Back?

Well there is a boy i like and we r out of skoll 4 another week but i can get him of my mind when we go back? - skoll

How can I say or do, I suppose, to ask him out?


monkeygi... said...

Ok first find out if he likes u and if he did not say how u feel about him and was like U Long have in this way about him but do not say or never, U UR not in the spirit until the early or leave enless uu said he can not get out of your mind, then it is normal

american... said...

Stay in school and focus more on studies and less on the child. Sorry, but your spelling is atrocious.

I AM JUST TOO CUTE 4 YA!!! said...

First. Hello spelling. I do not understand your question, because there are so illiterate

brians girl said...

in love

Deb-ange... said...

Let's see if U is a prime number. And before you think or ask yourself, get some grammar lessons. No offense.

thinkGRE... said...

see if you like, first, and then, if so, yay! And if not, there are many people on the earth for you.

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